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Americans And Communism Are Like Oil And Water-They Don’t Mix

For those who don’t know me personally, I grew up in the 80s and 90s, at the end of the cold war. Communism is no joke. Lately, I’ve been taking some time to better understand the communist movement here in the U.S. which I will be blogging about more. In the meanwhile, a guy named Otto Warmbier has died bringing communism into the spotlight.

A little background for those who don’t know, Otto was an American college guy from an upper middle class family in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio. He decided to take a trip to China and North Korea during his winter break of his junior year of college which took place late 2015 to early 2016. He allegedly stole a sign off a wall in a hotel staff area. While the surveillance camera footage was fuzzy, it was used to identify him to North Korean authorities. In a press conference from March of 2016, he blamed a well-connected friend’s mother from home in Ohio and a University of VA friend from a secret society. However, many think the North Koreans made him say that. He was sentenced to fifteen years in a prison work camp. They sent him home last week in a coma. He has now died.

Now that we got the background out of the way, we can move on. There are actually people online calling for the US to go over there and take out Kim-Jong-un. I can only think of how so many people said they were scared that if Donald Trump won the election, we would go to war with North Korea. Now, here these people are actually advocating for this. The United States cannot and should not be responsible for our citizens outside of our soil, unless they are serving our nation in the military or some other government service like ambassador. Is it sad that a human being died? Yes, of course it is. However, there are too many people acting like the United States has unlimited resources. We simply do not.

Another startling angle to this is the absolute ludicrousness that going to North Korea was a good idea. I want to scream. How can anyone have thought this was a good idea? Well, this is part of our failing school systems that we have, not just this guy, but so very many young people who just do not understand the seriousness of how different other societies can be. We have middle, high school and college kids running around playing ninja. Their teachers have brain-washed them that communism is this great thing and that they should be out there trying to make the revolution happen, overthrow the US government and bring in communism. Communism is a toxic and dangerous ideology that has killed so many.

I’ve been online yesterday and today trying to explain to people that there are many groups right now trying to bring communism into this country. I think we should be worrying about that, not trying to overthrow North Korea. People older than me are all, “meh whatever, they’ve been trying to make communism happen for a long time.” The only thing is that we now have large numbers of these young people who were NOT around during the cold war. Their numbers are growing and we ought to take it seriously.

I leave the reader with a call-to-action. I want people to talk to people around them. Communist countries are more likely to have military draft. People in communist countries have less incentive to work hard, so there are shortages. I remember the stories about how there wasn’t enough toilet paper or stories of people trying to escape communist countries and getting eaten alive by wild guard dogs. We have right here with this incident a glaring example of why we shouldn’t want the US to become communist. Think about it. The guy stole a sign and got sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor and ended up dying. Do we really want the US ending up like that? Therefore we must NOT support these communist organizations like “refusefascism” with the Trump-hate “no” signs. We must value the freedom we have. We must value other Americans. We must cease and desist this physical violence over ideas we don’t like. The left and right political wings, the rainbow of all religions, skin colors and sexual orientations must come together to stand against communism. We must all work to make America great again!


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