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Southern Poverty Attacks Jihad Education Groups

The faux civil rights organization, Southern Poverty Law Center has picked out 15 anti-jihad activists to target. They have named the article “A Journalist’s Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists.” They are painting it as wrong to be against Muslim extremists. What kind of world do we live in where it’s ok to kill people?

I am more recently active in following politics in my spare time, so it was only this past April when SPLC came into my radar. I have been a fan of Ann Coulter since 2015. Through her name, I found out about BAMN and the riots in Berkeley. When I was researching BAMN, I came across SPLC. They don’t give money directly to BAMN, but they are in the complicated network of NGOs that give money to each other. BAMN is also in this network. When I was looking at the site for SPLC, I didn’t like them. I later learned more. I like them even less. They parade around telling the media and the FBI who is and isn’t a hate group. Jihadis apparently aren’t hate groups. Those who oppose jihad, however, are in the wrong. Yeah, I grew up in the 80s. I learned about jihad in school and we were also fighting the cold war. Back when I was growing up we still wanted to be American.

Anyhow, this list contains fifteen activists. A day ago I knew of six:  Brigitte, Pamela, John, Ayaan, David, Robert. I just watched an interview with Maajid. I will learn more about the others.

Brigitte Gabriel grew up in Lebanon as a Christian. She was about 10 when the middle east fell. Literally, the weekend before it fell, her family had barbequed with a Muslim family they thought of as close friends. Her family lived in a bomb shelter for most of her teen years. Then she lived in Israel for a few years, followed by the United States.

Pamela Geller is Jewish and has organized some events to try to raise awareness of what freedoms Americans would lose if our nation fell and a new Sharia government was resurrected in its place. I mention Pamela being Jewish because Islam promotes hatred towards Jews more than other infidels. Pamela also organized the event that I attended in May.

John Guandolo has been in the Marines and FBI where he developed a background in watching terrorism for the government. He now trains police and does speaking engagements. He was one of the speakers at the rally I attended.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali born survivor of FGM. She and Brigitte Gabriel have become more well known as a result of angry tweets by Linda Sarsour, the Sharia promoter that keynoted CUNY grad school for public health even though she doesn’t even have a bachelor's.

David Horowitz grew up communist. In one incident that was passed around online, he was speaking at one of the University of California schools. A student asked him to explain the ties between the Muslim Student Association and the Muslim Brotherhood. A document has actually found that revealed the connection where the brotherhood had plans to infiltrate college campuses. Anyhow, he asked the student if she would condemn Hamas or Hezbollah. “I’ll put it to you this way, I’m a Jew. The head of Hezbollah said he hopes we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. FOR OR AGAINST IT?” The student was for it, by the way.

I don’t know much about Robert Spencer. They tried to poison him and he is with Acts 17 apologetics, a jihad education group.

Maajid actually was a terrorist from his teens to mid 20s when he was put in an Egyptian political prison for being an extremist. When he got out, he left that and is now speaking out about his experiences. He doesn’t understand. He has lived the life, so his story shouldn’t be shut down by some white men in the deep south. I agree with him.

The user now has some basic information and they can go and google these names and watch interviews or speeches with them. There is so much information out there.


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