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The 3 Sections Of The Political Right Wing

When I first heard the term "Alt-Right" and googled it, what I found talked about being it a new right wing movement, younger and less religious than the previous right wingers, as well as being more online and fans of Donald Trump. I thought, "that's me!" However as time progressed I realized that was not an accurate description of the alt-right and that I am not on the alt-right. There is so much
confusion as to whom should be called alt-right. This confusion not only comes from the leftwing lamestream media, but even exists on the right. This blog post describes the right wing divided into 3 unequal sections, with names and explanations of their similarities and differences.

I came to find out there is actually a website called alt-right. I took a look at it. The articles were ok, but the comments sections of those articles screamed out that this was not an online space for me. The most glaring issue was that the commenters there don't like Jews and aren't shy about it. I would characterize people as alt-right if they were the type to fit in on this site. This group encompasses those who are white nationalists and white supremacists. By the way, the difference between the two groups is that white supremacists are racist. Whereas the white nationalists respect non-whites but want to acknowledge that whites are a separate group, mostly as a response to the fact that blacks*, Asians* and Hispanics* have their own organizations, so why can't whites? Also, note that the "Alt Knights" are not actually Alt-Right by this definition.

Then there is the "far-right" or "religious right." I would describe this group as your classic right wing Republican group. These are your Christian home schoolers who live in the sticks and have something like 7 kids. The people in this group are usually white, but they are not racist or anti-semitic. They care deeply about the pro-life issue. Their political views are driven by their Christian religion. Though, I feel like you can almost put people Ben Shapiro in this group, as well. The main difference between far right and alt right is that far right means that someone is focused on religion, whereas alt right has a white race focus. I would actually put alt-right as being further to the right than far right, though you could also put them on the same location of the right wing.

The bulk of today's right wing movement, I would call "moderate right." The moderate right is unified with each other and the remainder of the right wing in its desire for stronger border security and national defense. Members of the moderate right are of any ethnicity. Members may be Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Atheist or another religion, but their political views aren't usually decided by their religion. They have a much more hands off approach. Unlike alt and far right, they may or may not be pro life. Members of this group who are pro choice, still tend to be more reserved about it than a left winger. Members of this group may or may not be for LGB rights, but aren't supporters of the transgender movement. Most people on the right wing don't want the 2nd amendment changed. Though they may or may not own guns or be in the NRA. Freedom is what fuels the mod-right. In the last few years, a drive to stand up for freedom of speech in the public eye has driven people either from the left or political slumber and driving this group to come out and make their presence known, online and in person.

Some notable examples of the moderate right include Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter,  Rebel Media, as well as most of the Youtubers** I watch. Libertarians would be moderate rights. I personally fall under this moderate right umbrella. I am Jewish, but do not believe in trying to enforce Jewish views on others. Therefore I am ok with gay marriage. I am pro-choice, while hoping that women use that choice sparingly and not as a "get out of parenting free card." I am definitely against government funded abortion.  I believe strongly in the 2nd amendment, but more as a hedge against tyranny. I have never owned my own gun, but have fired them since I'm prior service Army. As a woman, I consider immigration a women's rights issue, as most immigrants of this wave hold traditionalist views that women worked hard to remove from American society. Mostly, I'm driven by freedom for American citizens, immigration issues and border security, like the other moderate right-minded people.

It's important to note that the media tends to refer to right wing groups as alt and far right when they are actually only moderate right. Additionally, then they name call the right wingers as racist, when as I've outlined here, alt-right (by the alt right website's commenters comments) is the only white-race focused section of the right wing. Easily 70% or more of the right wing would fall under moderate right with the remainder being alt and far right. Also, leaders of the alt-right, especially those who are white supremacists, are generally asked to leave rallies put on by the moderate right.

*BTW, do we still call them blacks and Hispanics? I feel like I can't keep up with how they keep changing how groups want to be called. Is it black or African-American and is it Hispanic or Latino? If I'm using the wrong term, let me know in the comments.

**I have, as a goal to do a list of personalities and youtubers for right wingers and if anyone wants to help me compile a list, that would be awesome.


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