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Week in Review: Kathy Griffin's career crashes into the London Bridge causing climate change and campus racism

The news has been busy since I reported on the rally trying to hold America from taking another step towards Sharia. While the rally was a success in it's decent turn out and truthfully non-violent nature, while ultimately Linda "Sharia lover" Sarsour was able to make her speech at the School of Public Health. It was incredibly political and outside the character of what is appropriate for a graduation speech, of course. Most graduation speeches talk about how the speaker knows the students have worked hard, but it's just beginning for them. They cite examples and maybe shed a tear of joy that they made it when maybe they didn't think they could. Interesting tidbit is that the School of Public Health is a graduate school, so it's really strange that Sarsour, who lacks even a bachelors would have keynoted their commencement. Then again, the dean at the school is Palestinian... just like Sarsour.

Kathy Griffin's career came to a grinding halt when she decided to make an ISIS fan pic with her holding a ketchup-laden fake Donald Trump head. The right mostly responded with a collective eyeroll summed up well in DonJr's response, "Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today. They consider this acceptable." That's basically what I thought when I saw it, "Yawn, what do you expect from the left? I'll bet she's a communist like those Glee girls."  Surprisingly prominent members of the left seemed more outraged than we on the right did. Chelsea Clinton got in the game by Tweeting out, "This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing a president." CNN, Squatty Potty and some other gigs dumped Griffin either for the stunt or the backlash from the public because of the stunt.

Griffin  later uploaded an "apology" talking about some mumble jumble on how she moved the line and crossed the line or something. Well, if you've heard the expression, "sorry, not sorry" that was Kathy this week. After saying she crossed the line, she turned around and did a press conference with her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, who they are saying is some sort of ambulance chaser to the stars and has-beens. In the press conference, Griffin blamed Trump himself for all the work she was losing. She said older white men were ganging up on her and she's oppressed. She sobbed, but somehow managed not to run her mascara. Amazing! Every woman must get her brand-or maybe she was just faking. She's a special kind of oppressed where she lives in a 20 million dollar home. By the way Kathy, I'm a woman and I made fun of you on Twitter, too. I think she's just trying to get one of Tomi Lahren's 2017 Snowflake awards. I think she has a good chance.

Another story that overtook Twitter this week was Trump's withdrawal from an unauthorized deal Obama made with European leaders over climate change. This wasn't a treaty approved of by our congress. It was a bad deal for US. The left went crazy about this. Nevermind, all the private plane shuttles these leftist take. Tucker Carlson listed a bunch of them. The most hypocritical would be when Hillary took a private plane trip 20 miles. Really, Hill? REALLY?

In Washington state, blacks students and a Jewish professor hit the papers after the black students made a "no white people day." I wish I was kidding. Since the 1970's, Evergreen state college has put on "A day of absence" where blacks, imitating a play, leave campus for the day so that whites can appreciate them better. This year, the students decided they were traumatized that Trump is president so they would kick the whites off campus instead. After this twist in the regular routine came out, biology professor Weinstein sent out an Email response to the change. He said that instead of being a "call to consciousness" it was "show of force." The exact Email is easy enough to find on Youtube by searching "Evergreen." There's also a lot of footage of the BLM students and even a lecturer who cursed out the other professors. The student overtook the college with demands of things like no homework and a potluck dinner with some guy's mom's gumbo. People are actually blaming the professor. There are rumors that he is being let go, but nothing is confirmed. A Republican lawmaker from the state is trying to step in and defund the college. Washington state is extremely leftist, though, so I doubt that will go through. I'm actually surprised they even have a Republican in the state.

Finally, a truck rammed into the London Bridge mowing down like 20 people then they knifed some people and well, here we go again. Everybody, you all know the drill, right?  Change your pic FB. #notallmuslims, #prayforlondon, find some Muslims and stand in a circle with them, hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Remember everyone: Islam is a religion of piece. Meanwhile, people still criticize Trump and the right for wanting a pause on Muslim immigration. Not pausing the immigration.... we should ask the UK how well that's working out for them...


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