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Showing posts from July, 2017


Hillary's new book was announced. The American public is responding on Twitter with a hashtag of better names than "What Happened?" I thought I would post some highlights.

What Color Are You? Tackling The Touchy Race Topic

Let’s talk about Racism. Yes, I'm going there. If you’ve ever heard the expression “soft bigotry of lowered expectations” it goes into the little bit that I added to the definition of racism. Some feel that blacks deserve perks as reparations for the past or to make up for something. Affirmative Action itself and other politically correct actions are soft racism. In fact, talented non-white persons do not like Affirmative Action. They don’t want people thinking that they did not earn their way to their job or what not. Prior to Obama, most people, black, brown and white alike, feel that this country was the least racist ever. Most people didn’t really think about race. Your friends were just your friends. If one of your friends were black or latino, it barely even registered for most people. Now, it’s been pushed out to the consciousness of most people’s minds. According to the social justice types, racism has just come out of all of these people who were always s