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Showing posts from May, 2017

AFDI #CancelSarsour Rally Attacked By Yellow Journalists From NY Daily

Link to the original article.   So, update... it seems like Heather thinks she's Hispanic ... Still didn't Gabrielli and Schapiro claim to speak with her after the rally? How did they meet up when  this group didn't have any reporters with them when they left the rally? The guy in green is probably Taylor. The guy in the middle has Antifa signs. Unless the guy in blue is Schapiro, I'm really curious how NY Daily met up with her after the rally. That's the end of the NY Daily News article. How do you publish an article stating someone is brown when they were clearly white. The left watches these shows, they probably even knew who she was. While, we try to defend helpless little girls from being maimed by so-called doctors with rusty knives, the "loving left" Hollyweirds try to steal symbols of freedom right out of our hands! I thought I would just throw in some bonus pics.   He sure looks a lot like him to m

The Rally Against Pro-Terror Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

Last Thursday, May 25th, a midtown east block was overtaken by a rally and two counter-protests. The primary event was a rally hoping to get CUNY to change their mind about the key-note invitation to Hijabi Muslim activist Linda Sarsour, who is said have ties to terrorist groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. The two counter-protest groups were the Neturei Karta and the “NO!” group. The rally was organized by activist Pamela Geller, president of American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI).  She also served as the presenter to the speakers for the event. The first speaker was NYS assemblyman Dov Hikind. Hikind is an Orthodox Jew and Zionist whose district is located in predominantly Hasidic Orthodox Boro Park, Brooklyn. The next speaker was John Guandolo whose knowledge about Sharia and Islam comes from a military and law enforcement background. Egyptian-born, Nonie Darwish passionately spoke about how she escaped Sharia. When she said she did not want to live under it

OP-ED: My Experience at the Rally Against Pro-Terror Anti-Semite Linda "Cockroach" Sarsour

Because I have been following politics, I heard about Linda Sarsour from a non-Jewish source. Tomi Lahren interviewed John Guandolo about Sarsour . I think it was back in January. I heard that she was tied to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood. I knew that wasn't good for me, as a Jew. I occasionally heard her name come up again. Then one day I was looking through these political articles I read and there it was like a punch in the stomach. She had been elevated to unearned commencement speaker by my own CUNY. I graduated from a CUNY school. I live in New York City. "Here? Here? Not here!" I found myself saying sitting in front of my computer. I watched to see when my fellow moderate right wingers would be speaking up. I was ready to sign a petition, go to a protest. I was ready. Eventually, a protest was announced. I thought, "I'm sure it's on Saturday and I can't go." I looked at the calendar and got very excited, "A Thursday-YES." It did

Surely, CUNY Can Do Better!

When CUNY announced that the key note for one of their commencement ceremonies would be none other than Linda  Sarsour, patriotic “woke” Americans started talking about it. For those who are unaware of Sarsour, she promotes sharia law and claims to be an advocate for blacks, women and immigrants. However, she has also posted several tweets jealously attacking Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a black, immigrant woman.  Sarsour has used Twitter to promote the virtues of Sharia to the American public. On May 13, 2015, she tweeted, “You’ll know when you’re living under Sharia Law if suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn’t it?” In November of 2014, she used Saudi Arabia’s three months paid maternity leave as a selling point for Sharia. However in early 2015, she tweeted, “FYI - mandated head covering for Muslim women in Saudi Arabia is the LEAST of their worries. Stop making it THE ISSUE. It’s not.” So, she also has some problems with being consistent.

Michaltastik's back!

Hello everyone! Given the political climate out there, I have decided that I need to go back to blogging. For starters, I will be speaking about the recent issue regarding CUNY's extension to Linda Sarsour to keynote a commencement. Last Thursday there was a rally around the subject, which I attended. I have been reviewing information online about it and I think that I have something unique to say about the rally. I have not finished that post, yet, though. I have, however, completed an introductory post, explaining the circumstances leading up to the rally.