Part one - The CNN investigation by independent journalists, Project Veritas was launched. In the first video, a supervising producer admits that Russia is made up for ratings. They figure their viewers are Left winged, so they will feed them a left winged narrative. Part two -Van Jones says that the Russia story is a nothing burger. By the way, he is one of the reporters who pushes the narrative on CNN. Bonus -James O'Keefe from Project Veritas tries to get a comment out of CNN CEO Jeff Zucker. He ducked into his giant gas guzzler. I would say pretty uneventful since that's what bad CEOs when they get caught, blow off anyone trying to ask questions. Part three - That's today. There is a new video with Jimmy Carr, CNN associate producer from Brooklyn. He called us -the American people- stupid. I'm not stupid. I don't care if Trump acted nuts for free coverage during campaigning. I knew what he was doing. You want to say he doesn't care about the American...